

our mission:


To provide a safe space for people of all ages, genders, colors and faiths, to discover new & ancient ways of living in harmony with each other & the Earth. In our circle of shared responsibility, we co-create Regenerative Culture AND entrust a thriving web of life to future generations.




What is Culture?

Our culture is the story we tell about our existence. It is the story of who we are; the world we live in and how it came to be; why we are here; our reason for living; our history; what we aspire to be; what is important; how we live; how we spend our time; how we treat each other and the other species on the planet; our role on this Earth; and what will be in the future.

Culture is the very thing that drives our behavior. We all contribute to this story everyday. From the things we talk about and share with our networks, what we consume, the food we eat, the clothes we wear, the way we treat each other and the planet is all creating modern culture.

We Are Part of an Interconnected and Interdependent Web of Life.

By consciously co-creating a re-generative culture with the following values, we are weaving ourselves back into this web in a beautiful way.

Safe space:

Our events are by invitation only,

In this way our community is responsible for the people who attend, this ensures that people are on their best behavior and this creates a safe atmosphere of LOVE, respect & trust.

NO drugs or Alcohol are allowed at our events.

We tell everyone at PermaJam to be present and aware.

Be awake, be alert, LOOK after one another, always watching. Keep an eye on the little ones.

We are all the security guards at PermaJam. We take care of each other and we do not tolerate violence or harassment of any kind.

People of all ages, genders, colors and faiths:

We believe in equality for all.

PermaJam is an intergenerational experience with reverence for all life.

We treat men, women as well as non-binary equally. We respect people of all ethnicities and cultural/spiritual backgrounds.

Our community is a circle, and in our circle we are all united by the simple fact that we all come from the same Mother Earth.

New and Ancient Ways of living in harmony:

The word Permaculture was created by Bill Mollison in the 1970’s.

We feel it is most important to understand that the indigenous people of the Earth have been doing Permaculture for thousands and thousands of years.

In order to unite and move forward as people, we must recognize this history and commit to transforming its legacy,—

therefore we must Decolonize Permaculture.

Circle of Shared Responsibility:

At PermaJam one of our goals is to leave the land cleaner and healthier then when we arrived.

Everyone is responsible to clean up after themselves—to put food waste in compost bins, plastic, paper and glass in recycling bins and hopefully as little trash as possible in the appropriate bins.

We ask people to bring YOUR OWN plates and utensils, we do not use disposables.

We ask everyone to volunteer, help and contribute in some way.

We feel this is the way we should live our life everyday.

Co-create Regenerative Culture:

Eco-conscious Music and Art; Awareness and Mindfulness; Youth Empowerment; Bio-diversity; Microbiology; Minimal waste; Permaculture; Symbiotic Relationships; Indigenous Wisdom; Natural Building; Meditation and Yoga; Foraging; Tending the Wild; Plant Medicines and Herbalism; The Earth is Sacred; The Earth is Our Mother; We Are All Related; Water Protectors; 7 Generations; Soil Health; Air and Water Quality; Growing Food; Composting; Non-Violent Communication; Gender Equality; Racial Equality; Reconciliation; Restorative justice; Social Justice; Healing; Web of Life; Interdependence; Reclaiming; Decolonizing; Be the Change; Conservation and Preservation; Liberation from Fossil Fuels, Crypto Currencies; Alternative Currencies; Community; Act Locally Think Globally; Primitive Skills; Intergenerational; Non-GMO; Organic; Barter; Gift Economy and More!